Offline App - Themes
While using the QuestionPro app, you can change the theme of the app to match your company's brand. This allows for a higher level of flexibility while administering a survey and gives you a platform to maintain your branding throughout the survey process.
How can you change the theme on the offline app?
To change the offline theme on the app, go to: My Surveys (Select Survey) » Distribute » Mobile App
Click on Device Name » Theme in the QuestionPro App Device Registration tab
- You can scroll through predefined 8 standard colored themes and select one of them
How can you create a custom theme?
The 9th selection in this drop-down or scroll list is where you can add a custom theme. In this option, you can change the Background, Header, Footer, Button and Icon and suit your needs.
Note: Customizing the font color is currently not possible. Please choose the button and header colors accordingly.
I have customized the theme for my survey but don't see it in the app.
Custom themes are supported from the following app version onward.
- Android: 9.5 and above.
- iOS: 4.7 and above.
Please update your app to the latest version from the app/play store.
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